We are very glad to hear from people using our data! If you do use our data, please send us an email at: dancedb@cs.ucy.ac.cy
Please note that your project or product utilizing any of our data should clearly indicate that. We have spent countless hours creating and maintaining this dataset and made it available free for everyone to use, so we kindly ask that you acknowledge our work:
SMPL (SMPL Body Data .npz) and SMPLr (SMPL Body Rendered .mp4) files are under the terms and conditions of the AMASS Dataset.
Before downloading these files, you need to be registered and logged in to AMASS, and agree with the AMASS license.
AMASS Tutorial: https://github.com/nghorbani/amass/blob/master/notebooks/01-AMASS_Visualization.ipynb
All other data in this website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. The data is free to use in research and you may include the data in commercially-sold products, but you may not resell this data directly, even in converted form.
How is the data motion captured in your Lab?
We have a Phasespace Impulse X2E motion capture system consisting of 24 cameras that are able to capture 3D motion using modulated LEDs.
These cameras contain a pair of linear scanner arrays operating at high frequency (960Hz) each of which can capture the position of any number of
bright spots of light as generated by the LEDs. Motions are captured in a working volume of approximately 5m x 8m. The capture subject wears a
mocap suit of 38 markers and a stylish black garment.
How can I use this data?
The motion capture data may be copied, modified, or redistributed without permission. Please read the copyrights statement before downloading.
Disclaimer 1: We do not guarantee the quality of the data.
Disclaimer 2: Data classification is provided to assist users. The sincerest efforts have been to describe and categorize our motion data, so as to be generally
helpful to all motion capture data seekers. However, as all motions are subject to individual interpretation, we cannot be held responsible for
inaccuracies or mispresentations of data, arising from our classification.
If you have any dance motion captured data, dance-related information or mocap/animation code that you think would be useful to other people, please contribute. We will be happy to link to it, or host it.